15:30 瑜伽課
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The yoga class is 330-5pm. Dinner is at 6pm. If you want to take the shuttle bus take the 2:30pm bus from Beitou station (not Xinbeitou) and you will arrive here at 3pm. If you just want dinner take the 530pm bus. Go to the last stop which is C3 building. The community is called 萬通社區. Come first to our apartment to put your stuff down and settle. We are 15F-4 (D) You can change and shower in the bathrooms next to yoga studio downstairs. Bring a towel and a yoga mat if you have one. For dinner bring wine or other alcoholic drinks to share. Check with us if you’d like to bring food. From 5 to 6 you can shower and take a dip in the small lap pool if you’d like. The actual address is this: 新北市淡水區興福寮88巷21號15樓-4. There is parking downstairs in the building if you’d like to drive. We will finish up around 830pm and the bus leaves at 9pm back down the hill. Each way is 40$ coins per person (mrt card not accepted).
We highly recommend the bus as the roads are a bit wild and we are basically in the middle of nowhere. There are no convenience stores or places for directions anywhere.
Hope you can make it. Let us know if you have any more questions. Should be a really fun and relaxing time. The sunset awaits you!
Ivy and Andrew
How to get here?交通資訊
坐捷運到北投站後,搭乘接駁巴士最後一站至萬通社區,建議搭乘14:30那一班,15:00會抵達這裡 。若想直接晚餐搭17:30那班,18:00會抵達。抵達後請跟櫃台說找1504林小姐
若開車可以直接跟警衛說找1504 直接下地下室停車
If you want to take the shuttle bus take the 2:30 from Beitou station and you will arrive here at 3. If you just want dinner take the 530 bus.Go to the last stop which is C3 building. The community is called 萬通社區.We are 15F-4 (D)
There is parking downstairs in the building if you’d like to drive
更多資訊 More info.
1.巴士時刻表 Bus time table
how to get on bus @Beitou mrt station?
上車請投$40到萬通社區 $40 to the last stop (vantone)